Mission | OutFit Training
The OutFit Mission

Bringing premium outdoor

workouts to everyone, everywhere.

OutFit is the Freedom of Fitness

Gone are the days of being bound to the boutique, chained to the club, stuck in the studio — 4 walls, dim lights and recycled oxygen. It's time to break out and usher in the sunlight and fresh air. Kettle bell swings in snow, Rip Trainer® rows through rain, Suspension Training® under sunny, blue skies — we embrace the natural elements and the energy that comes from being outdoors exercising with friends!

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OutFit was built to rule the outdoor workout with world-class TRX® training equipment, energizing sound tracks by iHeart Media®, weather-mitigating Van and OutPost designs, and unique training grounds in parks, beaches, neighborhoods, and other convenient, inspiring public spaces. OutFit's culture of empowerment is inspired by ownership, authenticity, and trust. We embrace the intrinsic power of micro-communities and connect members to local TRX certified fitness professionals who own and operate the vehicles comprising OutFit's fleet of rolling gyms.

“It's our mission to deliver to communities across the country an exquisite, boutique exercise experience that is convenient, fun, and which average folks can actually afford.”

Randy Hetrick


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“We also want to liberate trainers from difficult positions and empower them to build rewarding careers with a clear path to generating a real net worth.”

Jeff Rosga


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